Clears and stabilises

LET GO opens, clears and renews the energy field. This spray neutralises stressful frequencies and energy patterns and helps to dissipate them.

LET GO is the most important spray, as it supports all other Arupa Energy Sprays. What the other sprays open and bring forth, LET GO expels from the energy body. It facilitates grounding, clears up and transforms. LET GO brings fortitude, solidity and stability to life.

Application:  Best to use LET GO twice a day. Spray LET GO above the head into the electromagnetic field. Then, at the level of the navel, spray away from the body towards the feet.

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Water prior to Programming

Water plus Arupa Vibration


Through the interplay of the sprays’ ingredients, mineral water, rock salt and high-frequency information patterns, the Arupa Energy sprays act directly on the human energy field. As alcohol is not used, the sprays are suitable for people of all ages. The sprays have successfully been applied to animals.

Arupa Energy Sprays work most effectively when they are sprayed away from the body into the electromagnetic field that it is surrounded by. As every person is unique, everyone responds differently to the sprays. The intensity and speed of reaction varies.

There are no known side effects when using the Arupa Energy Sprays. They can be used alongside any type of therapy, but are not a substitute for conventional medical treatment.


15 ml bottle: lasts up to 37
days & corresponds to 1,32 € / ml

2 x 15 ml bottle: lasts up to 75
days & corresponds to 1,11 € / ml

50 ml bottle: lasts up to 125
days & corresponds to 0,90 € / ml

2 x 50 ml bottle: lasts up to 250
days & corresponds to 0,69 € / ml

15 ml bottle: corresponds to approx. 150 sprays

2 x 15 ml bottle: corresponds to approx. 300 sprays

50 ml bottle: corresponds to approx. 500 sprays

2 x 50 ml bottle: corresponds to approx. 1.000 sprays